Understanding What Our Customers Value
Not only do we have ours, but we spent time working to understand and know the values of our ideal client.
Which of the following values resonates with you the most?
They value support. They desire support and want to stay in their lane.
They value truth and candor. They love feedback and desire truth-telling in order for them to see their blind spots, identify gaps, etc.
They trust experts. They know to feel supported, they need other experts and they fully trust the help they receive.
They are vulnerable. They share the hard stuff.
They are self-aware. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They own their lane.
They believe in a different way. The facade of MORE and hustle culture has dissolved and has been replaced by knowing and deeply believing that there is a better way forward, but not sure what that looks like. Enter SBC.
They understand ROI is more than their bank account. It’s time, money, energy, and passion.
They value time-freedom. They’ve worked their way up the career ladder. It’s time to reclaim their time and freedom and not feel like they are trapped with golden hand cuffs.
We’d love to know - which value resonates with you the most?